Nashvoix Interview : Nashville Calligrapher aka me!
Posted by MollyMargaret on Jun 21 2013, in Calligraphy

One of my favorite things about living in Nashville is all of the passionately creative folks you meet on a regular basis. A friend of mine recently started a photography blog to feature these individuals. I’ve enjoyed reading it and when she asked if I’d like to be interviewed I jumped at the opportunity to share my calligraphy. We had such a blast taking the photos and I think you can tell by the result. Below you will find the interview and photos. Thank you Mary-Beth for all the lovely images and for sharing your passion for photography and people will all of us. You are a true gem.
Be sure to check out Mary-Beth’s other interviews on Nashvoix!
My next interview is with local calligrapher, and jill of all trades, Molly Margaret Povolny. She is one of those people who are so incredibly driven and talented, that you just hope a little of their excellence will rub off on you during your time together. She has a knack for being incredibly gifted at whatever she puts her hand to, and is great at inspiring those around her to do the same! Her most recent venture is in the art of calligraphy, and she has become a sensational presence in that community in such a short time. Today she is going to share with us a little about what brought her here on her journey, and how excited she is to continue to grow in her craft.
First of all, can you give us a little personal history? what made you decide to make Nashville your home?
Well, I moved to Nashville 10 years ago to attend Belmont University. I interned and worked in the music industry before transitioning to graduate with a degree in Entrepreneurship. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs. My mother has a successful fine art and vintage greeting card business and my dad is a jack of all trades. He can build anything and problem solve like no one I’ve ever seen! I was raised surrounded by art and creativity so it seems only natural that I ended up with my own art business. Nashville is such a great city for creatives. Lots of like-minded people and inspiration. I fell in love with the small town feel but bigger city varieties.
You are so passionate about your craft as a calligrapher, and that is so inspiring! Tell us what piqued your interest about this particular art form, and how you came to love it so…
I’ve loved fonts and design for as long as I can remember. When I graduated from college I started working for a small business that sells markers of all types online. As my job evolved I became our product specialist and marketing director. We carry markers for industrial purposes (like nuclear power plants and oil rigs) as well as arts and crafts applications (like scrapbooking and painting). So I spent a lot of time working with the products to be able to better serve our customers and answer their questions. When we started doing trade shows four years ago we would hire local artists to come and show off the markers. All of these artists were calligraphers. One of them told me about an organization called IAMPETH (International Association of Master Penmen, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting) that they belonged to and the yearly conference they attended. It sounded amazing. After spending time with these artists and witnessing their talent I wanted to learn more! So I joined the organization and within a few months I was off to my first convention. It was SO intimidating to be surrounded by such professionals for a whole week. I mean come on, the White House calligraphers were there! On the plane ride back to Nashville I sat next to a fellow calligrapher whom I had met. She asked to see my work from the week. I almost didn’t show her, I was a beginner and still pretty shy about sharing my work but I did. Her encouragement and push to pursue my calligraphy further was just what I needed. I arrived back in Nashville with a mission…. work my tail off and become a professional calligrapher.
As a calligrapher, where do you hope to see yourself on this journey in the next few years?
That’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. The thing with this art form is it can go in many different directions. I like to look at it as print art calligraphy vs event calligraphy. I love working with brides and event coordinators and I also love creating pieces for prints, and most recently, a gallery opening. So for now I’m pursuing both. With my Etsy shop ( I’m able to work with people all over the country. I’ve been so lucky to work with some amazing and creative brides the past couple years. I really look forward to working with more and expanding my offerings both event and art wise.
What is the thing you love most about our wonderful city?
One thing! Impossible. If I have to choose it’d be the people. Oh and the burger at Fat Bottom Brewery. Or the margaritas at Rose Pepper. Actually a mexican burro mule at the Village Pub is right up there on the list. Maybe I should have said the food…
Do you feel there is a community presence of other people doing calligraphy in Nashville, or do you look to people in other cities for inspiration/comradery?
There is actually a very close community of calligraphers here in Nashville. I’m a part of the Nashville Calligraphy Guild and we meet every few months at Plaza Art. If anyone is looking to learn more, you are more than welcome to join us one Saturday! I’ve never met a community of artists more friendly than calligraphers. I mentioned the IAMPETH conference earlier, they have also been an invaluable resource for me. We all keep in touch throughout the year and any time I have a question about etiquette or ink choice, an answer is an email away. This year’s conference is next month and I get giddy just thinking about it!
What is your favorite project as of late?
Tough one. I’ve been asked to create custom abstract watercolor pieces a lot lately after I released my Dr. Seuss Be Yourself Print ( I really enjoy them. It’s fun to create every aspect of a project, from splashing paint around to fine tuning the layout of the words and then doing the actual calligraphy. Mixing watercolor and calligraphy makes such a statement. I recently designed a tattoo for my best friend and I. That was such a cool experience!
Is there anything in particular you do to stay inspired while working on bigger projects? Like, music, films, etc?My iPad is always on in my studio. Usually it’s playing a tv series I’ve found on Netflix. It helps to have something to help me keep pace when doing envelopes. I’m also big into all the documentaries on Netflix. I just watched Beauty is Embarassing, every creative needs to watch that! It’s harder to listen to music while lettering because before you know it you’re in the middle of a sentence and you start writing lyrics instead of the piece you’re working on!
Are there any special businesses in the Nashville area where you enjoy spending your time?
As I mentioned above I love Rose Pepper and Village Pub. The coffee shops in East Nashville are great. I love the shops in Hillsboro Village, Pangaea and Fire Finch are a few faves. Paper Source and Archivers are great for crafting supplies. However I’m lucky enough to work next door to Paper and Ink Arts, which to the calligraphers out there is also known as heaven. It’s a little too convenient for my wallet’s sake.
Time off? What’s that? Kidding! When I’m not working I’m hanging out with friends around East Nashville. I also love getting out of town and going on adventures. Day trips to Rock Island and weekends in Atlanta. I’m currently sitting at a Sounds game finishing up these questions. To be honest I work a lot. I enjoy calligraphy and creating art so much that it’s the most relaxing and rewarding way to spend my time. Even when I don’t have a project I’ll make one up. I love what I do!
To email me or friend me on Facebook. I’m hoping to start teaching classes in the fall and I’d be happy to talk more about our Nashville guild. I’d also recommend checking out the IAMPETH website and going through the archives. I also find a lot of inspiration on Pinterest. My calligraphy board can be found here: . The biggest advice would be to just get started. Buy a dip pen, some sumi ink, quality paper, a copperplate book and some nibs. Sit down and just start trying. Go slow at first and don’t give up! The best advice I got was to learn the traditional calligraphy rules of Spencerian and copperplate. When you know the rules you can break them because you’ve put in the hours and understand the concepts fully. I break the rules now and then to make the scripts more my own but I’m so glad I learned the rules first!
Visit Mary-Beth’s Photography site :